Topjournalist Inside the Travel Lab vertelt

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Top online journalist Abi King van Inside the Travel Lab maakte een mooi verslag van haar avontuur in Den Haag/Scheveningen/Kijkduin. Wat ze van de strandhuisjes vond? “The night had passed in a blissful, restful, longed for sleep. Outside the waves sighed and heaved and crashed and rolled. The gulls circled far above. And it’s possible that dog walkers strode along the sand, I can’t be sure of that, because I, too, was up early. Primed from life with baby, I’m up early most mornings now. But it’s rare that I get to throw open the doors and see muted morning blue gazing back at me.
The HaagseStrandhuisjes at Kijkduin have to rate as one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen or stayed in.” Mooie woorden Abi, thanxxx

Inside the Travel Lab op bezoek in Den Haag